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Happily created digital clones


Satisfactory Rate


Total videos featuring digital clones.


Total AI portraits created

Our Mission: Unleashing Your Potential, Digitally

Once situated in the buzzing environment of KAIST, one of Korea’s premier science and technology institutions, several students found themselves brainstorming for a project that could blend the frontiers of AI technology with the ever-growing demand for personalized digital content. Their shared vision would soon evolve into what we now know as

The origin story of is deeply rooted in the founders’ desire to democratize the creation of digital content. They observed a world where the ability to create engaging video and audio was increasingly important, yet still largely inaccessible to individuals lacking technical skills or hefty production budgets. Determined to bridge this gap, these students embarked on a journey to utilize their deep knowledge of artificial intelligence to simplify the content creation process.

The concept was straightforward yet profound: to employ advanced AI algorithms to enable users to create lifelike video and voice avatars of themselves. This AI-powered technology would allow users to generate virtual clones that could perform a variety of tasks, from hosting virtual meetings to creating personalized video messages. The possibilities seemed endless, and this became a source of inspiration to push the boundaries of what AI could achieve in the realm of personal media.

Meet the Team

Jin-Ho Kim

Co-Founder & AI Research Lead

Soo-Min Park

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Jae-Sun Lee

Front-End Developer & UI/UX Designer

Young-Mi Han

Marketing Strategist & Business Development

Soo-Jin Park

AI Research Specialist

Hae-Won Choi

Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer